Letter of the beginning of the year

Letter of the beginning of the year

Welcome friends!

What is about to begin is our second sporting season, even if actually it will be the first real year of activity!

With all the limitations that there have been, we would like to consider last season as the year zero of Milan Curling.

In short, a year of trial.

A year in which we began to make ourselves known on and off the ice.

A year in which we have tested the waters for the projects we would like to carry out.

A year in which, actually, we never stopped and we worked on planning the activities that will be at the center of our sporting life!

A year in which we managed to successfully complete all the championships in which our athletes took part, with commitment, spirit of curling, lots of training and desire to improve!

We thank them for this: they brought the colors of Milano Curling to the ice with honor !!!

But as we said, 2020/2021 season was our YEAR ZERO.

So we are now ready to (re)start with the enthusiasm of someone who began a wonderful adventure!

Ready to carry out the many projects on which we have worked: introductory curling courses, promotional activities in the area, youth activities, competitive activities (for which we confirm the participation of our athletes at national championships) and much more …

All without ever forgetting our main goal: the pleasure and joy of getting on the ice and always having fun!

Good ice everyone!

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